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Re: fuel mileage

To: Phil Esra <>
Subject: Re: fuel mileage
From: Giles Douglas <>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 19:23:31 -0800 (PST)
Doesn't it depend on the car (and more importantly, its weight and drag
coeffecient?) But in general, I thought it was like 55mph (or used to be),
which is why the US speed limits were set at that during the 70s oil


On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Phil Esra wrote:

> miscellaneous musing:
> I was just wondering, and thought maybe someone here would know. What is the 
> most fuel efficient speed to drive at? My guess is that it would be at 
> whatever speed you're in your highest gear with the engine turning as slowly 
> as possible. But is wind resistance great enough that that's not true? Any 
> thoughts?
> phil
> (ps--got the bearing replaced, thanks for all the advice--made it home over 
> the bridge with no drama--had to replace the hub too, $492, ouch...)
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