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RE: GGF track condition

To: "Mark Mervich" <>, <>
Subject: RE: GGF track condition
From: "Escano, Arnold [SC]\(ES\)" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 08:31:45 -0700
(reply fr message below)
There is first for everything ;-} it won't be the last either Mark.

Experience is always good, i once beat Jack (red-BUG)in pleasanton
fairgrounds going backwards at the finish line. He always reminds me of that 

Subject: GGF track condition

By the last run group, there was so much junk on the track I spun my  
car for the first time in my 3+ years of autoXing.  Its not worth  
$500 to get it cleaned.
Mark Mervich


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