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Re: Pop Rivet Removal

Subject: Re: Pop Rivet Removal
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 22:12:58 -0400
At 08:22 PM 4/4/2005 -0500, Peter Mysko wrote:

>I find that with any pop rivet, the trick is to first get the broken off 
>nail part out of the rivet before trying to drill out the rivet. The nail 
>part (if it is still there and they almost always are) is hardened and does 
>not drill well at all. It usually just causes your bit to dull and then 
>results in added heat transferring to the fibreglass causing it to melt. The 
>best way I found to remove the nail is by using a snap style automatic 
>center punch. Blue Point makes a good one. Just snap it in the center of the 
>rivet and it will usually knock the nail out of the backside of the 
>rivet...sometimes completely and other times at least part ways allowing you 
>to drill the head off the rivet at least. It's best if you can provide some 
>sort of support to the backside of the fibreglass if possible...otherwise, 
>be a bit gentle with it. I normally use a bit one size larger than the rivet 
>and use it to drill the head off only...then I will use a 3/16" bit to 
>finish drilling it out completely.

Good idea.  I've used a nail and hammer to drive the pin out.

Also, Greg, I didn't address your comment: "There are already a
couple of cracks around some of the rivets."

I have some used vallances for my car.  Several of the holes are cracked 
or completely broken.  I plan fixing them with some fiberglass cloth on 
the back side and glassing a thin strip of metal to streighten the lip
where it gets attached to the body.  I was thinking of maybe filling
in the existing holes with something like dynaglass, and marking where
the original holes were.  Them moving over about 1 to 1 1/2" to find some
new fiberglass that isn't cracked.

Since my car was missing the valances, I don't know if they were glued
and pop rivited to the body.  But I was thinking of at least putting a 
bead of silicon calk along the seam at the door opening.  I don't know
if this is necessary or if it would really do anything.



John T. Blair  WA4OHZ     email:
Va. Beach, Va             (eBay id: zebra48-1)
Phone:  (757) 495-8229

          48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V (B1109)
     75 Bricklin SV1 (#0887)    77 Spitfire    71 Saab Sonett III
                       65 Rambler Classic


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