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Re: Need some parts

Subject: Re: Need some parts
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 92 07:39:40 -0700
Since I always try to think the best of people, I just assumed that Bruce
was one of those people who live eat & breath horses.  I just assumed that
he was passed by a pickup towing a young filly in a trailer.  Since
horses often stand in a trailer against the back gate occasionally with the
tail hanging out ... I just assumed the Bruce happened to notice the sex of
the horse.  Of course now it does take a quick highly trained eye (or very
experienced eye) to tell the sex of a horse in a trailer on the fly.

Well Gee Bruce, if that wasn't a horse you were writing about, why did you
describe it in horse terms.  If it was a woman, why did not you say so.

I is nice to see that on occasion there is some justice in this world.


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