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Re: Vapor lock (???) in a Healey

To: WILSONHB@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu
Subject: Re: Vapor lock (???) in a Healey
From: pwcs! (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 09:22:15 -0518 (GMT-5:18)
> Bad problem here.  Just when the 100-6 is all warmed up and has been ripping
> along the boulevards for 15 minutes or so, sometimes it begins to hesitate. 
> The carbs seem to "choke" as if they aren't getting enough gas momentarily.
> The most common time for this to happen is if I have been on the highway at
> 70-80 mph and try to accelerate; it just seems to bog down but often recovers
> and becomes "normal
> "again.  Please, can someone help with this?  I have no idea what the problem
> is much less how to fix it.  The Fuel pump was replaced 3 years ago along with
> all tubing withought resolution.
> Has anyone had this before?  I'm getting desperate--nothing I do makes it go 
> Thanks,
> Henry Wilson

Sounds like my '66 Midget (RIP).   On hot days, I could not get above 3500
RPM.  It was the fuel vaporizing in the lines.  I insulated the line from
the manifold area and the problem went away.  Modern gasoline is more
troublesome in this regard than the stuff available back when the car was

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