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[Healeys] Do Moss ign points suck or what?

Subject: [Healeys] Do Moss ign points suck or what?
From: bspidell at comcast.net (Bob Spidell)
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2011 21:46:09 -0700
References: <SNT143-w629D2802B2576A748E6607D4A40@phx.gbl> <4D9D5715.6040702@chello.nl> <C3A20D6B88C3E9458E33D84824156BEB5D5DA0BE0B@HE111644.EMEA1.CDS.T-INTERNAL.COM> <BANLkTimkDJES3mi7+m6b-AZEE3J3BWVhrA@mail.gmail.com> <BANLkTinY+DBC+FQSmfCZPXB3vHdXmRSPTA@mail.gmail.com>
re: "(anybody know what the match book is for?)"

Matchbook covers are approx. 0.015" inch thick--close enough to set your points 
to get you home.


On 4/7/2011 8:31 PM, Richard Ewald wrote:
> I understand all the words, but laced together the way that they are, they
> make no sense whatsoever.  The only other time the words Lucas and quality
> were used in the same sentence was when someone was comparing Lucas to
> Magnetti Marelli.
> While I agree that often electronics are sometimes (often?) used to
> compensate for a distributor that needs help, you cannot escape the fact
> that the day you install a set of point and set them to spec is the best
> that car will run until you install a new set.  As soon as the distributor
> shaft starts to turn, and electricity arcs across the points, wear starts
> and it never stops.
> With electronic units, the dwell never changes, the timing never goes out,
> it is all good.
> If you are that worried about the electronics buy one good set of points and
> throw them into the trunk with a screwdriver and a match book (anybody know
> what the match book is for?)
> But the reality is if you don't need those spare points in the first month
> or two of driving (infantcide) the chances are you will die before the
> electronics in the distributor does.
> $.02
> Rick
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Curt/Nancy Arndt<cnaarndt at gmail.com>  
> wrote:

Bob Spidell           San Jose, CA            bspidell at comcast.net


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