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Re: '69 MGB engine rebuild

Subject: Re: '69 MGB engine rebuild
Date: Thu, 04 May 1995 22:45:19 EDT
JEFF!At my shop a "complete" MGB engine can cost $3000. Follow this thru:
R&R the engine as for a clutch, including parts (disc,cover,bearing), and
release bearing fork bolt and bushing, PLUS the master and slave cyl
rebuild (and maybe a hose), all for about $600.  Rebuilding the engine is a
16-20 hour job (Come to our winter technical seminar and see!). Machine
work includes crack check and grind crank; recircle rods; hang pistons;
bore or hone cylinders; install cam bearings; resurfacing (perhaps
rebushing) rockers; surface flywheel(maybe); complete cylinder head re-work
with bronze silicone guides and hardened seats (we always use factory
valves) and cooking (they no longer "degrease" with solvents -- the old oil
is now baked away!) Parts include pistons or rings; main/rod/thrust
bearings; cam/lifters/chain/tensioner; oil pump/valve/spring;
seals/gaskets; and so forth.  DO NOT enter the starter/alternator UNLESS
you have problems; the rad should cost you <$50; don't enter the gearbox
unless you want to spend $100, or $300, or $550 (if you have the shop
replace the baulk rings and layshaft).  Now, as you might expect, ALL of
this is in my TECHNICAL BOOK - available from University Motors Ltd, 6490
East Fulton Street, Ada, Michigan 49301-9006.  Send check, fax charge card
info, or E-Mail charge card info and the book will come quickly -- well, at
4th class (old book rate) speed.  SAFETY FAST!  Join the NAMGBR!  John Twist

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