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Re: *YES*! I got a Midget!!

Subject: Re: *YES*! I got a Midget!!
From: "Roger Garnett" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 09:56:28 -5000
Graham Knight writes:

> Well, after years of drooling every time i saw a Midget
> "... do you want it?".
>  so an old bicycle and a lawn mower in trade  and i was the very proud owner
> of a 1973 Midget!! So now i get to try and make it run :)

Congratulations! Welcome to the joys and agony's of British Car ownership!
> It isn't getting any fuel
> Brakes seem pretty well shot. 

You should replace *all* seals in the brake system at this point (Both master 
and slave cylinders. It matters not how fast you can go if you can't stop.

> I have about 999 more questions, but I'll stop here.

The very next thing you need to get is a workshop manual. Bentley's is a
repro of factory (Available mail order), and Haynes are quite good as well.
Avoid Chiltons like the plague.

If you can do ftp, you'll find the British Cars parts vendors lists on in /sol. (You can get there on the Web from British Cars Web:

  /     _  \    Roger Garnett             (
 /   /||  \ \   Agricultural Economics   | The Wayward Sports Car Centre
| |\/ ||  _  |  3 Warren Hall            |
| |   ||   | |  Cornell University       | 
 \    ||__/ /   Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801  | (607) 533-7735
  \________/    (607) 255-2522           | Safety Fast!

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