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RE: I have offended a few people unintentionally and I'm sorry

Subject: RE: I have offended a few people unintentionally and I'm sorry
From: (Syl's Sydney Homestay)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 23:40:27 +1100 (EST)
Hey David

I don't follow all of your threads but from the postings of yours that I
have read I can't see how anyone could take offense.

I reckon this MG group is something pretty special with postings on a bit
of this and a bit of that - sufficient variety for everyone to maintain an
interest and contribute.

Without doubt in this group there is a great depth of technical expetise
and practical experience available for the benefit of us all. The trials
and tribulations of sporting events are well reported along with MG trivia
and general knowledge, some with touch of humour.

Let's not forget our aim of maintaining the breed while having fun with our
cars and those like us who own and drive them. Don't stay away too long.


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