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Re: Measure of enthusiasism?

Subject: Re: Measure of enthusiasism?
From: Paul Parkanzky <>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 12:35:32 -0500
>Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 11:37:18
>To: (David Deutsch)
>From: Paul Parkanzky <>
>Subject: Re: Measure of enthusiasism?
>At 04:08 AM 11/21/96 -0800, you wrote:
>>I'm watching the list for almost a year now and am finding patterns.
>>There are only a handful of real enthusiasts out there and an awful lot 
>>of winers and excuse makers.
>        I have also been a long term member of the list (over a year now),
although not as a very active participant.  I don't own an LBC, nor have I
ever.  I talked a friend into buying a B a while after I joined this list.
I spent many blurred hours working late at night to get it running.  We had
a terrible time working "the midgbe" into my schedule (three jobs).  I
simply did not have the time to invest in a car of my own.  I've read your
posts enviously ever since you bought your first car and "caught the bug."
You've got a special love for these beautiful machines.  This summer I'll
probably get my first toy car.  I'll work on it when I can afford to and can
find the time.  I can't hope, however, to give it the time you devote to
your projects.  If sitting on my hands this long makes me one of those
"winer and excuse makers,"  I'm sorry.  I'd like to think of myself as an
enthusiast.  I carry the octagon on my keychain.  I have a lucas parts tag
in my wallet (from the B's ignition).  And I talk about LBC's whenever the
opportunity arrises.  If that's not enough to make me an enthusiast, then
I'm sorry.

Paul Parkanzky    
Ohio Northern University

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