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Re: TC Adventures

To: John Swanland <>
Subject: Re: TC Adventures
From: "Parsons, Lindsey" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 09:01:45 -0500
John Swanland wrote:

> It's summer in Australia of course.  The last couple of years I have toyed
> with installing an electric fan on the TC for summer.

Why ? I know it's hot down there in the summer, but our temperatures
here in our summer are often close to 100 degrees F. I have driven my TC
in stop and go traffic in these conditions for long periods and, as yet,
never have seen the other side of 90C on the gage. Actually, thanks to
it's generous radiator size, it's about  the coolest running car I have
ever owned. Certainly it's the coolest running British one !!!.

Best regards,

Lindsey  48 TC #4771
Spring Lake,NJ USA

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