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Re: BMC Week, Dailey Drivers

To: Harlan Jillson <>
Subject: Re: BMC Week, Dailey Drivers
From: Rick Brown <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 01:11:45 -0500
Harlan Jillson wrote:
> Hi All,
>    After the recient reminder that was posted about BMC week, I went to the 
>BMC site and went through the stories there ( saw your's in there mike L.).  
>It got me to wondering just how many of us are driving our LBC's as dailey 
>drivers.  I know that there are some obvious daileys on the list (barney..) 
>but with marks report of 400+ list participants, I was just curious as to how 
>many of us drive'em dailey, and how many are garage queens.
>    Personally, I just have the two mg's, the '72 roadster that is my dailey 
>at the moment, and the '72 GT that is in the process of referbishment.
>     Just curious, anyone want to comment?
> Harlan.

Drive my 1974 MGBGT every day, only let me down once when the heater 
hose broke.  I think Ive only driven my Volvo twice in the last six 
months.  There was two days this winter I didnt take it out because of
the snow and ice... but then I didnt leave the house either.

It will be with me on Sunday at the Norristown Flea Market.


74 BGT
61 MGA 1600

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