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Re: Future of hobby

To: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Subject: Re: Future of hobby
From: "Michael S. Lishego" <>
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 21:14:00 -0400
Kai M. Radicke wrote:
> I can tell you why it hasn't attracted the chicks you thought it would, as
> you say right on your website, your MGB has had a massive squeal for the
> majority of the time you've owned it (website doesn't mention if it has been
> fixed).  The best game to play in an LBC with girls is "How many girls can I
> cram into this car and still be able to drive?"  (I hear Father's
> encouraging their sons, and warning their daughters).

Heh, I hear that!  I've crammed a few into Little Miss during my final
spring term...I will say that my LBC didn't attract the kinds of girls I
thought it would.  I guess it lacked the snob appeal of a Suburban or
Trooper.  The kinds of girls who loved riding in my MG were the more
'down-to-earth' types who didn't mind listening to Jimmy Buffett or the
Dead while cruising...

I Miss the attention that driving my MG brought me.  I could go into a
store to buy a six pack, show my driver's license, and the attendant
would say, "Oh, don't worry about that.  I remember you from your car." 
The gee whiz factor of my MG was pretty cool too...You don't know how
many guys were amazed at the concept of wire wheels..."You mean there's
no lug nuts?!?" was a common response.

Though I enjoy driving my mi@ta, I don't get head-turning, wide-eyed,
jaws-gaping stares like I got when Little Miss was on the road...And I
miss that...Along with the exhaust note, the manual choke, the sweet
suspension, or the downright earthy nature of the car.  As far as I'm
concerned, an MG is a go-kart with a top; the purest form of automotive
bliss.  The Taoists call it The Principle of the Uncarved Block. 
Simple, and we love them for the qualities that they have or don't

Have a quiet moment of Zen with your MG.

Mike Lishego
Media Coordinator
1991 Mazda Miata
1986 Plymouth Turismo T1
1974 MGB

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