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Subject: Storage
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 19:48:27 EDT
Hi All,
The recent pictures of the cars rusting in Kentucky was a sad sight and I 
wondered how many other people had cars sitting outside because of nowhere to 
put them.  I started thinking how many people have cars rusting outside 
because of lack of space to keep them undercover.  Then being a normal 
capitalist American who has land and building skills, I wondered if there was 
a market for providing a place to keep cars out of the weather, such as in 
sheds.  If I could turn a dollar I wouldn't mind building inclosures for cars 
to be stored.  I might even consider picking up and delivering cars that are 
to be stored.  Not sure of the insurance aspect, but if there is a need for 
this kind of service, I would look into it.  What do you think?

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