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Re: Winterizing my "new" MGB

Subject: Re: Winterizing my "new" MGB
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 08:58:03 -0500
  The anti-freeze chemistry in the antifreeze seems to endure forever and
ever, which may be why pouring it down the drain is not a good idea. It
is said that ethelene (sp?) glycol was discovered to have the AF
properties when someone looked out a window in the 1930s and found that
the drain pond filled with it, a waste product from some other process,
did not freeze.  Folks had less ecological sensitivity back then. 
  One changes AF periodically because the anti-corrosive additives in the
AF do get worn out or consumed as they are sacrificed to protect against
corrosion, as well as any water-pump lubricant chemistry that might be
present. So, one can use the AF for year if he adds anti-corrosive
chemistry to the coolant, but it's probably cheaper and safer to change
the AF. 
 Although our MGs do not have as many different metals as today's
machinery, we still have iron blocks, iron heads, brass and copper
radiators with lead solder, brass and copper heater cores, steel heater
valves, copper head gaskets and more bits besides, each of which stands
at a different level on the electrolytic scale. 
  Does anyone remember the AF from the 70s that had some anti-leak stuff
in it that clogged heater passages? Seemed a good idea at the time....

On Sun, 02 Dec 2001 20:14:59 -0700 "Andrew B. Lundgren"
<> writes:
> I've lived in Colorado for most of my life, a few years in Utah.  I
> have run antifreeze that is many years old.  (My MG doesn't get many
> miles on in the winter, but other cars do, my B's is probably 2 
> years
> now...)  You can buy a little gauge for about $5 US with some beads 
> in
> it to measure how low you are protected it.  You suck up some of 
> your
> coolant, see what it says.  It is a pretty good way of telling the
> quality I think.  

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