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RE: Lucas Sports coil

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: Lucas Sports coil
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 14:54:29 -0700

On Friday, July 21, 2000 2:15 PM, Bob Labuz [] wrote:
> The sport coil has what is called LUCAR connections. We here in the US 
> them something else, what I am not sure. You can purchace these 
connectors in
> any auto supply store, radio shack etc.

'Lucar' would refer only to the terminals for the low-tension connections, 
which are commonly called "spade disconnects" in the US (sometimes just 
'spade' and/or 'disconnect') and are available in different widths (ISTR 
the coil uses 1/4", which is the most common size).  The coil has "male 
disconnects", so the mating terminal is a "female disconnect".  (Seems like 
most of the females I've known are somewhat disconnected, but they think 
the same thing of me, so we're even <g>)

However, I believe the original post was referring to the high-tension 
connection, which is a somewhat different kettle of fish.  Fortuantely, the 
connector used by the Lucas Sports coil is also a common standard (in the 
US at least), so you can ask at any auto parts store for a "high tension 
coil teminal".

BTW, a good connection is somewhat important here, there is no way I would 
rely on the rubber dust cap to hold the wires in contact, except as a 
band-aid to get home.


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