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RE: TR3 Fuel Leak

To: Triumphs <>
Subject: RE: TR3 Fuel Leak
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 14:35:02 -0700
Organization: Navcom Tech, Inc
Sumner :

Cracks in the pump body are a possibility, one of mine has an almost invisible 
crack near the seat for the outlet pipe fitting (probably caused by the DCO 
overtightening the fitting, which also still leaks <g>).  I patched it with JB 
Weld, but haven't put it to the test (yet).

I have found that 'reformulated' gasoline (with MTBE) will dissolve the rubber 
(?) coating on the pump diaphragm fabric, leaving it looking perfectly sound, 
but porous to gasoline.  The "NOS" replacement diaphragm that has been on my 
shelf for many years failed the same way within days of being installed, but 
the one I got last year from TRF has been holding up well.  Apparently there 
was a change in materials at some point.  (Note : the diaphragm is also the 
gasket between the two halves of the pump body.  This, and the cork above the 
float bowl are the only gaskets that can leak gasoline.  The gasket to the 
engine block can only leak oil.)

Pep Boys (a local auto parts chain) seems to carry the "Facet" pump in both low 
(3-4 psi) and high (7-9 psi) versions.  It's cheaper from Whitney.  I've used a 
low pressure Facet (from Whitney) on a TR3, it seemed to work OK.  I used a 
filter on the outlet (the kind that also converts from pipe threads to hose 
barb), the crud from the tank didn't seem to bother the pump.  You can still 
buy a standalone sediment bowl (with a steel bowl instead of glass), I think 
they're used on GM diesels.

I don't understand how you can lift the flex line to the oil gauge off of the 
hard line, still have pressure on the gauge, and not have a major oil leak.

59 TR3A daily driver

Sumner Weisman wrote:
> SWMBO is not happy.  Since I last drove the TR yesterday, the garage reeks
> of gasoline.  Checking this morning, I found that it's coming from the fuel
> pump.  I tightened down the cover screws and the two mounting nuts (the rear
> nut sure is hard to get a wrench on) but the leak persists.  With the engine
> running, I can watch fuel dripping onto the floor slowly, although I can't
> see where it's coming from.  Do you think it's a crack in the wall of the
> pump body?  Cracked gasket?  Any other thoughts or comments from the BTDT
> guys?

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