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MG Logo infringement

Subject: MG Logo infringement
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 13:05:05 -0500
Now here is a hoot....Rover Cars has now decided to use British Motor
Heritage to inform all the "Carriers of the Flame" that they are "infringing"
the MG logo.....

They have sent letters to several on this side of the pond informing them of
the "cease and desist" but the implication is there.  So
after 15 years, Rover decides that the MG name is worth something afterall,
they now decide to lower the boom on all the folks who made it live on
inspite of British Industrial Policy.  Talk about alienating  us to the new
MGF if they ever do decide to export it!!  I wonder if the same is happening
in the home country?

THANK YOU VERY MUCH Rover, I'll buy a Jeep!

TA Terry (note that is not MG TA Terry)

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