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Re: Am I getting old or what?

Subject: Re: Am I getting old or what?
From: (David C Littlefield)
Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 22:54:12 EDT
On Mon, 05 May 1997 20:10:13 EDT (MICHAEL J ROBSON)
>On Mon, 05 May 1997 15:52:07 -0500 (EST) "MIKE LAMBDIN, CANS" 
><E720LAM@TOE.TOWSON.EDU> writes:
>>>guess I'm definitely into the "old fart" syndrom, because I'm 
>>>patience with .....
>>....all the chit-chat not related to LBC's. Having to sort through
>>all the non-technical mail is a nuisance. Please, fellow LBCers, 
>>let's try and stick to only those topics appropriate to our common
>Hmmmmm. how do you spell the sound a tongue makes when placed between 
>lips in the shape of an "o" then air blown through it.....?

It makes the sound of an old fart. Like this (you old Bloom County fans
will recognize this):  PHPHPHBPHBPHBTT!!!

Apologies to my mother, she raised me better.

David Littlefield
Houston, TX

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