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RE: MGA Havana - shipping stuff ?

Subject: RE: MGA Havana - shipping stuff ?
From: Andrew <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 18:23:10 -0600
Consideration would also have to be given on how to get the goods into Canada 
without attracting all sorts of tax. If items are sent to AP in Gander, the 
standard course is that anything over $20C (over $60C for gifts) attracts GST 
of 7%; I am not familiar with HST in the maritime provinces, but if this were 
to apply, the rate would be 15%, not 7%.

There must be a way to label the packages, but I don't know what that would be 
- someone would have to determine what CCRA (customs) will pass through without 
a holdup.


  a.. For parcels some other carrier would be needed.  DHL rates are through 
  roof, so maybe Gander is beginning to look better just for the cost, if we 
  can get Andy P. to push a box on a plane.  Otherwise still checking on 
  other carriers.

  Barney Gaylord
  1958 MGA with an attitude

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