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Re: Buy off e-bay? was Re: funny auction for 80 'B LE

To: <>, <kmwheeler@ualr.ed>
Subject: Re: Buy off e-bay? was Re: funny auction for 80 'B LE
From: <>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 00:05:52 -0500
Believe it or not...just of those 'TV Judge' shows....
Texas Joe ???somebody...   a guy was suing a guy over a car
purchased on EBay.  In the end it was more over the feedback left
rather than the car itself!  Stupid as usual but funny!

Paul Tegler

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <kmwheeler@ualr.ed>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: Buy off e-bay? was Re: funny auction for 80 'B LE

> My two cents: I bought my current 74B restoration project from a very
> dishonest person on eBay. He advertises all the time with glowing
paragraphs about
> his cars. Wonderful and beautiful and rare. (You can't miss his ads!) Lots
> lots of pictures
> He said about mine: "Hard to find one like this; have not tried to start
> (No fuel pump, ignition or battery!) Full of dust and dirt up to the
> instruments. I know it was in a flood.
> Almost a complete pig !!!!!
> Anyway, I was so angry when the car arrived, I threatened to sue him and I
> asked for and received half of my money back. Almost made it a good deal,
but I
> have not forgotten about this experience.
> The ONLY car I have ever purchased without seeing it in the flesh. Buyer
> careful. Have the car inspected first.

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