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RE: Thoughts on new B-stock

To: Joe Goeke <>
Subject: RE: Thoughts on new B-stock
From: "Burns, James B." <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 15:26:35 -0500
Good points, Joe.  Thanks.  I've always thought of spec classes as bad, but
you've got me thinking that maybe they aren't so bad if they are affordable
and have good participation.  Do you think the introduction of the MR2
Spyder into the Miata class has helped, hurt, or made no difference to the
participation of that class?

Brad B.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Goeke []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 3:05 PM
> To: Burns, James B.; autox
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Thoughts on new B-stock
> I could see this coming a mile away ;-), even from last year 
> this time ;-)
> Before we all go shouting "the s2000 is to fast for BS" 
> chant, let's look at
> the situation here.  First of all, on course like San Diego 
> and Texas, where
> the courses are fast (ie, lots of upper 2nd gear) and long, 
> the s2000 is
> going to really shine.  In these cases, yes the car will run 
> times similar
> to the C4, and dominate over the older BS cars.  The problem 
> is, these are
> not normal courses, and when you look at results of other events, like
> nationals, you will see the s2000 has a hard time keeping up.  Second,
> every one seems to forget just how competitive the 968 still 
> is.  Look at
> Koslaks results in the two years he ran the 968 against s2000 
> and Boxsters.
> If you are stuck on San Diego and El Toro results, look and 
> see that Anna
> Goeke running in the open class was only 1.2 seconds behind 
> me in a Boxster
> on Sunday, and I had a stellar day.  She had the 3rd fastest 
> time, faster
> than Andy McKey in his S2000.  She normally runs 1.5 behind 
> me in the same
> car when she has a very good day.  Point being, she did 
> better relative to
> me in a Boxster than she would have in the s2000, and who 
> knows how well
> Andy would have done in the Boxster.  Point again, all the normal top
> drivers were in s2000, so how do you compare.
> Also, AS has on/off rain on Saturday, and ran in the _first_ 
> run group.  BS
> ran _last_ and had perfectly dry conditions.
> Finally, at El Toro, we once again had very fast courses, 
> faster than San
> Diego (can you say 3rd in a s2000?).  All the fast S2000 
> drivers were on
> Hoosiers, and the AS guys were in tired C4's on Kumho's, and 
> as most of us
> know, the Hoosier is faster on concrete ;-), so let's look at some C4
> drivers with fresher cars and Hoosiers on concrete before we 
> do to much
> comparing.
> Conclusion:  The current BS is competitive for the s2000, 
> Boxster and the
> 968 on _most_ courses (check the data, it's there!). You will 
> always have
> course dependencies, so this is normal.  This is still pretty 
> diversified
> for any class, and yes the previous cars are pretty much un 
> competitive, but
> this is somewhat normal evolution of the classes.  As for the 
> new AS, yes
> it's a one car class, which is very affordable and already has great
> participation.  Is this bad?  I say give it some time for 
> other SS cars, or
> new cars to be put with the C4 and see if we can get this 
> class competitive,
> and we will see this class surpass BS easily.
> ---JHG
> Who has a s2000 and Boxster, so it's no difference to me 
> where the put the
> s2000.

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