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Re: Smith Guages, found them & cheaper than XK

To: Kevin Rhodes <krhodes1@maine.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Smith Guages, found them & cheaper than XK
From: Chris DeStaffany <destaff@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 14:40:20 -0700 (PDT)

I'm going to get a clock too and I was going too but
it where the gt6 has its eyeball vents in the right
hand dash panel.  I'm guessing that it will look "real
cool" there.  Alas. I've got to refinish that thing
before I can install more guages.  I've also decided
to get a new fuel guage as the one I have now is
getting kinda cloudy and then it will match the others
I'm buying.  
Chris DeStaffany

--- Kevin Rhodes <krhodes1@maine.rr.com> wrote:
> A big thank you for posting this - I just ordered a
> Smith's clock for Freddy.
> Sent an e-mail yesterday, got a call from them today
> in response, the price 
> was good so I ordered it on the spot. Unfortunately
> they don't take credit 
> cards, so there is an extra charge for COD. Still,
> even with COD and 
> shipping it was substantially cheaper than XK wanted
> for it. ~$80 at my 
> door. IIRC, XK wanted somewhere north of $100
> without shipping...
> Kevin Rhodes
> Portland, Maine
> Freddy the Spit - soon to have a clock!
> At 11:37 08/10/2000 -0700, Chris DeStaffany wrote:
> >Just got off the phone with GB Instruments and they
> >have Smith's Guages at a very good price, much
> better
> >than XK had.  They have alot of guages in stock and
> >say that they will get what you need if it is
> >available anywhere.  They don't take credit cards
> but
> >will ship individual guages COD.
> >
> >There phone # is (888)545-9775 and they have a very
> >good web site at  www.gbinstruments.com
> >
> >They have 9 different water temp/oil pressure
> guages
> >available and all are mechanical. He quoted me a
> price
> >of $85.34 for the one that I think I want. I asked
> the
> >guy about electrical dual guages and he told me he
> was
> >unaware of any electrical dual smiths guages.
> >
> >So, this looks like it might be a better deal than
> XKs
> >anyway.  BTW, I asked the guy about XK.  He said he
> >new what was going on and was a little coy about
> >talking about it.  Definetly got the idea that
> >something is up.  He then told me the his company
> is
> >commited to providing these instruments into the
> >future.  I thanked him and told him that he might
> be
> >getting some business.

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