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RE: CA legislation (DMV stuff) \ Lost Titles...

To: " daily digest" <>
Subject: RE: CA legislation (DMV stuff) \ Lost Titles...
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 19:57:35 -0800 >
Jeffrey J. Barteet wrote :
> As an aside, I believe the state of Alabama is unique in the union in that
> their DMV is more permissive with lost titles than anywhere else. If you
> are faced with the issue of having a restorable car with no title, there
> are a number of lost title services in Alabama that will title a car for
> you there, and then you can transfer the title to whatever state you're
> in.

Alabama may be unique in having the lost title services, but the loophole
they use is available in some other states.  Basically, the issue is that at
one time they did not have 'titles' as such, transfers were done only by
bill of sale.  So, if your car is old enough (ISTR the limit is something
like 1972), you can transfer it to someone in Alabama (or any of the other
states that did not have titles until the Feds forced them to) with just a
bill of sale.  Then when the Ala (or wherever) resident transfers it back to
you, you get a legal title.

If you dig deep enough, most states have some way to do this.  One loophole
is to file a "mechanic's lien" on the car, then sell it to yourself.  Not
exactly the easiest process either, but at least you don't have to "sell"
the car to someone you've never met ...


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