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RE: Locked Keys in Car? NO SWEAT (Read On)

To: <>, <>, <>,
Subject: RE: Locked Keys in Car? NO SWEAT (Read On)
From: "Mark Hooper" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:20:14 -0400
Hi Phil:

Unfortunately, in the smash-and-grab style of autothieving, pressing the 
glove-box button takes longer than wielding a crowbar two-handed. 

In 1986, a mere week after buying my TR6, with no insurance and not a single 
payment on the loan, I too had my TR6 stolen by a joy-riding moron who thought 
slashing the top was easier than pressing the unlocked doorhandle button. A 
very sad 5 weeks passed before I got my Triumph back. During that time I had 
many dreams of meeting a certain faceless thief. In those fantasies I too was 
wielding a crowbar two-handed...


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Locked Keys in Car? NO SWEAT (Read On)

> For those of us with a piece of vinyl for a roof, a pocket
> knife will work  just fine.

I sometimes have people ask if the door locks work on the
TR4.  I always answer that I have no idea.  I never lock the
door.  A smart thief can unbutton the top.  A stupid one
will just slash it.  Unfortunately, a stupid one would
probably slash the top if the door was not locked.

A friend of mine had a camera stolen from the glove box in
his Vega.  The thief pried the glove box open with a

Vega glove boxes do not have locks.

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