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Re: mini's and MG 1100's?

To: hoosier!sol@cs
Subject: Re: mini's and MG 1100's?
From: mit-eddie!p42.f4.n105.z1.FIDONET.ORG!George.Emery@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (George Emery)
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 90 09:50:08 PST
 > I've seen the mini, sure enough it's got no interior
 > and needs a paint job, haven't seen the MG though I'm curious. Someone Else
 > said it's probably an MG 1100.  Does anyone out there know what this MG
 > might be, and is it worth having?

It's an MG 1100, probably from Canada.  The motor should be 1098cc (unless
someone has done a swap) and the drivetrain will be identical to the Mini's, 
except the final drive will be different because the MG 1100 (and Austin 
America) use 12" diameter wheels instead of 10".

If you use the drivetrain on a Mini, unaltered, you'll be able to accelerate
to 60 quite quickly, but redline at 65 mph.  12" wheels would put it right
or changing the final drive would work.

A concours MG 1100 or Austin America can be had for a MAXIMUM of $1500.
Restoring one is definitely NOT worth it.  If either car is running, has
brakes, and they aren't suffering from the British Disease (rust), then 
$500 is a fair price for both.

If the MG 1100 has an automatic transmission, then it's worthless, for the
most part.  The block is specific to the transmission, though it's possible
to drill out the necessary oilways to use it on a standard transmission,
and parts for the automatic are scarce and expensive.

[By the way, if anybody needs an automatic transmission, there's a working 
one sitting in my garage which the owner would gladly sell]

I've been wanting to get an Austin America so that I can turn it into a
convertible -- just hack the top off of it.  You have to be careful you
don't cut too low on the rear window pillars as the trunk hinges are up
inside them.  Add 13" rims from a Pinto, some underplating, a rollbar, 
and you have a nice fun rough-road summer car which you don't feel bad 
about thrashing.

 > But who can turn down a couple of cute (or ugly) british cars?

I know what you mean!
George Emery - via FidoNet node 1:105/14
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