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Re: TR-3A bonnet letters and medallion

Subject: Re: TR-3A bonnet letters and medallion
From: rush@mnementh.Metaphor.COM (Ed Rush)
Date: Thu, 28 May 92 15:20:19 PDT
>There was at least one series of TR3s made that did not have
>TRIUMPH on the front. ...
>There are two kinds of letters.  the earlier kind is ribbed. ...

Page 68 of The Roadster Factory Restoration Checklist catalogue lists
        o TR3A front apron letter set... (ribbed type letters)
        o TR3B front apron letter set... (smooth-faced letters)

On page "v", however, their description of the TR3B says "Some
cars had old-style ribbed letters, some had the newer-style 
smooth letters, and some had no letters at all."  Their description
of the TR3A doesn't mention the letters, but the accompanying
illustration shows both badge and letters.

Bottom line: with a TR3A or earlier, it had letters; with a TR3B,
it's anyone's guess.  I'll just have to find a local TR3 or TR3A
and measure the exact locations of the mounting holes.

The same catalogue lists separate order numbers for
        o TR3  (up to comm. no. TS22013) front apron medallion
        o TR3A (up to comm. no. TS41877) front apron medallion,
                red and black
        o TR3A (after comm. no. TS41877) front apron medallion,
                blue and white

They illustrate the first of these (and the TR4A globe medallion).
By telephone, TRF said they would want $50 for the blue-and-white,
but don't have any right now.

BTW, my TR3A's commission number is TS 66235 L.  Various parts show
evidence of Bondo work, and the letters area was primer-coated, so
I think someone just thought it would be cool to remove the letters
and badge.

Speaking of commission numbers: my commission-number plate is in
fairly bad shape, so I thought to buy a new one from TRF, but they
won't stamp the numbers in it.  Does some SOL in the South SF Bay
area have the appropriate die-set to stamp "TS 66235 L" on a new

>Nice to have someone writing about TR3s on the net again

Not as nice at it will be to drive it, in another week or two!

  Ed Rush, employed by but not speaking for
  Metaphor Computers, Mtn. View, CA
     UUCP: [...!{apple|decwrl}!]metaphor!rush
Picture a backpacking Shark from Texas with a Mac in a Triumph.

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