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Re: I have a problem

To: "charlie schellinck" <>
Subject: Re: I have a problem
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 09:49:39 -0400
At 11:29 AM 6/2/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Well my girlfriend has a problem with my behaveoir every time I see a
>british sports car I tend to follow it for 2 or three blocks or until it
>stops. She is getting sick of this and says I need help. Tell me am I the
>one who needs help or is it her. Anyone know of a good counseler for pepole
>who dont like brit. cars She needs to learn to love them if this
>relationship is going to work! Any sugestions?
>And no I will not get maried to a brit. car
>Adam Schellinck
>1973 BRG MGB Roadster in 1 millon pieces.
>1985 Toyota 4-runner (off road stuff)
>1983 Toyota Pick-up with x-tra cab

The answer is clear Adam, your girl needs to be locked up in a mental
institution for a couple of weeks. I would suggest putting her in a room
wall papered with Brit cars and non stop music from the Beatles, Stones,
Steppen Wolf, and of course "against the wind" by Bob Seager. Enrique

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