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Re: Now Lucas vs BUSS fuses

Subject: Re: Now Lucas vs BUSS fuses
From: "John Herrera" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 10:52:34 -0400
> > Volts don't open fuses. Amps open fuses. The voltage drop across a good
> > fuse
> > is zero. The voltage drop across an open fuse is source voltage.
> >
> > Volts don't flow. Amps flow. If one of my students said that volts 
> > I'd just smacke 'em up side of the haid.
> >
> > Not really, but I'd threaten with it.
> >
>Perhaps an analogy would be apropos here.  Voltage in an electrical system 
>analogous to water pressure in a pipe.  Voltage is sometimes referred to as
>electromotive force.  Current is analogous to water flow.  Water flow 
>through a
>pipe will produce a pressure drop in the same way as current flow through a
>conductor produces a voltage drop (at least until you start to apply some
>quantitative analysis and find out that voltage drop is proportional to 
>current but
>pressure drop is proportional to the square of water flow).
>There is a device called an hydraulic fuse (or words to that effect).  It 
>a valve that stays open until flow exceeds a preset value when a shuttle 
>move to close off flow.  These are great for protecting against pipe 
>But do you rate these at the flow rate it will allow on a constant basis or
>the flow rate at which it will shut off?

Every textbook that I have ever seen uses the old Water Flowing Through a 
Pipe Analogy to teach electricity. The idea being that it's easier for the 
student to understand water flowing through a pipe than electrons flowing 
through a wire.

I used to use that analogy until I realized that the students don't 
understand water flowing through a pipe either!

Dr. John Herrera
Chief Boffin
High Speed Triumph Research Laboratory
Soggy Bottom Facility

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