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RE: Now Lucas vs BUSS fuses

To: <>
Subject: RE: Now Lucas vs BUSS fuses
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 20:02:26 -0700
> My books are in storage as wife doing MAJOR (HUGE PITA) "redecoration
> project", but I do re-call there is a formula for amps - temp.

Perhaps there is, but it involves a bunch of other variables not given.  To get
heat, you have to dissipate power, which is volts times amps (or, since the
resistance of the fuse is relatively fixed and volts is amps times ohms, amps
times amps times ohms).  Once you know how much heat is being put into the
fusible element, you need to know how fast it is being conducted away, and what
the thermal mass of the element is.  Armed with that information, you can
estimate the temperature rise over time.


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