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Re: value of a 67.5 2000

Subject: Re: value of a 67.5 2000
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 10:25:05 -0800
I don't know Craig. Historically, a car is worth more in pieces than it is 
when it is together. I don't always understand this, but it works out. When 
I bought my 67.5 2000, it was a complete, numbers matching solex car. It had 
some rust, but nothing too bad. The engine would crank, but not turn over. 
Brakes gone, tranny bad. I paid 3 grand for it. Now the parts themselves 
would be much more than that. Hell, the original 8 grand tach is worth about 
500.00 and the solex carbs and manifold are worth about 800-900.

Buying all of the parts for my restoration is easily going to cost me 10-15k 
or more (right Dennis?), but the minute they get put on the car, the value 
of the parts as a whole will drop.

Sometimes life is just not fair.

Andrew Murphy
67 2000 Solex

From: "C. Halsted" <>
Reply-To: "C. Halsted" <>
To: <>
Subject: value of a 67.5 2000
thought I'd put in my own 2 cents on this one. let's consider a parts car.
according to Old Cars Price Guide, last I looked, all 2000's were lumped
together and they had condition 6 around $375. and condition 5 around $750. 
think this is a bit off. take a rust bucket 67.5 Solex that needs a parts value alone....

$1,000   value of used solex setup and comp oil pan
$   500   rest of the engine (conservative)
$   350   transmission
$   100   driveshaft
$   500   gauges, radio console w/radio (priced a tach?)
$   250   top assembly
$   100   radiator
$   250   pair of decent rechromable bumpers

$3,050. so far.

let's relate all this to SRL311-00038, for sale in Chicago. it happens to 
all of the above, in addition has a very good RR quarter and rear panel. add
another $750. to the value list. obviously there are doors, hood, trunk lid,
rear end, etc. anyhow, to those who would tell the seller that the car is 
worth $1500-$2000,  the fact that this is all it is worth to you personally
does not mean it necessarily represents the value of the vehicle.

off my soapbox for now,
Craig Halsted


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