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RE: Birthdays

To: <>
Subject: RE: Birthdays
From: "Jim Holmgren" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 14:07:30 -0500
It was because of my father that I got into Spitfire's too...but for an
entirely different reason.

When I was 15 (1985), a friend of the family inherited a late-model Spit
1500 (I remember the rubber bumpers) and an MG from his father after he
passed away in a traffic accident.  Curiously enough, it was behind the
wheel of a huge old Cadillac - maybe if he was driving one of his LBC he
could have avoided the accident?

Anyway - he had no use or desire to have 2 LBCs and offered to sell me
the Spit, for $500!  Unfortunately, my dad said "NO WAY!" - and being
only 15 at the time, I didn't have much say in the matter.

Man, it's hard to believe I held that grudge for almost 20 years - it
actually became a bit of an inside joke at family gatherings.  

I finally managed to find one in decent shape, and as a bonus it was the
same color as the one I tried to buy in '85, about a year and a half
ago...I just couldn't wait to drive it over to my folks house and show
it off.  :))

Now my dad is semi-retired and actually comes over to help me work on it

'75 Spitfire 1500
NASS #302
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