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Re: Pick the winners?

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>,
Subject: Re: Pick the winners?
From: Adam Popp <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 20:35:47 -0400
Yeah, but u made a few mistakes. That's all I am saying. It seems like u
guys take it serious though. I saw a line in there that said something
like Frank Stagnaro makes it hard for us pick against him every year,
when we seem we r right when we pick him and u picked him again this
year. It's not that fun to read when u pick the same people over and
over again. Why don't u pick Buddy Jasmine, Ron Ver Hulm or Gordon
Kinney.  And u guys picked Gary Milligan, and John Ames when somebody
said that John has been running in a different class and Milligan isn't
even going to the Nationals this year. And I also saw a mistake, at
least I hope it was where It said if Mary Brotz and Mary Wentzel both
enter they should win. Well that is the same person. I know that picking
the winners is just for fun, but I think u and the other pickers in
sportscar and NAP should put a little more effort in making your

Kelly, Katie wrote:
> I just want to say a couple of things regarding this Pick the Winners
> controversy. Maybe a few.
> 1) We're not voting for Prom Queen.
> 2) Writers for SportsCar were asked to submit their picks long before there
> was even an entry list.
> 3) NAP suckered a really nice guy into doing this for nine years because no
> one else has enough balls. He's pretty isolated down in Georgia, but I think
> he does a fair job regardless. :)
> 4) Rita Wilsey is more than deserving to be mentioned as a contender in BSP,
> though I haven't seen her name on the entry list yet. Adam Popp is too, as
> are many, many other fine folks in that class. I ran in BSPL a few years
> ago, and I know the talent in that class, and I know Rita, so I can say with
> great confidence picking Rita is hardly a slam on the other competitors. I
> can hardly fault Dick Berger's selection. I just hope she goes!
> 5) If we really knew who would win Nationals, we wouldn't even bother going
> to Topeka. This is supposed to be for fun! It's just something to add a
> little drama before Nationals, to increase our excitement (and anxiety)
> levels to such an extreme that it's all we can think about.
> I really wish people wouldn't take this stuff so seriously. And I can speak
> from both sides, being a picker, and even sometimes a pickee. I understand
> the psychological ramifications of not being picked to win when you think
> you have a shot. On the other hand, this is really just some people being
> very silly, trying to create some hype.
> It's like this story Dick Berger told me a few years ago. He picked some guy
> to win in EP, some guy in an Audi. Howard Wolf, who eventually won the class
> that year, asked Dick, "Who is that guy, Dick? You really think he's going
> to win?"
> And Dick said, "Possibly, in a hurricane, he might have a chance."
> "Well, then why'd you pick him?"
> "Because now you know who he is, and for three minutes at the Solo II
> Nationals this guy's going to be noticed."
> Sometimes, being human, we don't just pick whom we THINK we win. We pick
> whom we'd like to SEE win. I know for my SportsCar picks, I picked some
> people who on paper didn't look as good as some more obvious choices, but I
> also know who they are and what they're about, and I know they have the
> potential and the desire, so there you go. It it MY FAULT they decided not
> to go to Nationals this year? Cut me some slack, please! God forbid if Solo
> II ever becomes televized, when our media can no longer perform this sick
> and warped practice of rooting for underdogs, which I am all for, 100%.
> Which reminds me. I have to go back and vote for myself.
> Katie K.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Adam Popp []
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 4:48 PM
> > To:
> > Subject:      Re: Pick the winners?
> >
> > If Gary Milligan changed his mind and came back this year for the
> > nationals, they should put the cone rule in affect for him so they can
> > make AM competitive, because the past three years his phantom and him
> > have won by about 4 seconds more every year.
> >          And what's up with SportsCar and North American Pylon. Why do
> > they make the picks whith out knowing all the facts. They pick Rita
> > Wisley in B/SP??? What's up with that? She's a good driver, but I don't
> > think she will win B/SP. My brother comes into mind.  I think SportsCar
> > doesn't put enough effort into their picks and North American Pylon
> > doesn't either. It seems like they pick the same people every year.
> > Using the words of Dennis Miller, of course that's my opinion and I
> > could be wrong. I'm out!
> > >
> > > Jeff Winchell wrote:
> > > >
> > > > >Like in AM, Gary Milligan is not on the list. I think a lot of
> > > > > people will pick him, if he is on. Unless the Milligan pick is to
> > easy
> > > > > and u r not putting him on there because of his phantom.
> > > >
> > > > Well SportsCar picked him even though he is not going to be
> > > > running.<s> The Phantom is staying home this year.
> > > >
> > > > And SportsCar and NAP picked John Ames in ESP and I don't think
> > > > he's run an ESP event this year (he ran in SS at the NT this
> > > > weekend). There were other examples of that in the recent
> > > > SportsCar and NAP articles.
> > > >
> > > > I like how they do it based on who's registered so far, plus you can
> > > > update your choices when more registrations come in.
> > > > Jeff Winchell
> > > > http://PonyCar.Net

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