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Re: Car numbers at Nationals

Subject: Re: Car numbers at Nationals
From: Jonathan Dove <>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 16:59:14 -0400
From: Mark Sirota <>

> Now that I'm back, I want to say that the majority of cars had good
> numbers.  However, there were a number of truly awful ones.

Mark bring up a good point and I can see why.  I too worked in T&S and
there were a few times where several of us can't see/determine what
numbers are being display.  Another problem is when course workers
are calling the cars with numbers that we don't have and we have to check
back with them to get the correct number.  

> If I am a Chief of Timing and Scoring again next year (and I don't know
> yet whether I will be), then I *WILL* submit official protests against
> cars with unreadable numbers.

Who is supposed to check for numbers?  T&S or Tech?  I don't see anything
in the rule book about that.  I almost didn't get through tech with my
numbers and had to display them on my car to pass.  They are within the

>Here's a small, incomplete list of offenders.  I wish I'd kept a more
>thorough list.

How about the #3 DM or the #7 DM?  Strange styling and reflective numbers
are hard to see.  Especially at speed.  There were a few other examples
there but I think we get the point.


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