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Re: opinions on parking at Nationals

To: Rocky Entriken <>
Subject: Re: opinions on parking at Nationals
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 11:47:27 -0400
--On 9/22/2001 2:32 AM -0500 Rocky Entriken wrote:
> Had it not been for the tragic events of the week, the paddock plan would
> have stood out as one of the major notable aspects of the 2001 Nationals.

I disagree with that, Rocky.  My feeling is that the new paddock strategy,
in the end, had very little effect.

Let me be clear -- I think that Phil and his crew did an outstanding job in
implementing the new paddock plan.  I just think the plan itself wasn't so
hot.  From my point of view, nothing really changed.

There were largish expanses of open spaces more or less up front where late
arrivals would eventually be coming.  People still paddocked with their
friends.  There was grumbling about people encroaching on space marked by
others.  A few got separated from their groups and paddocked all alone
towards the back.  Same as it's been for the last several years.

In my mind, it wasn't worth the effort.  Could someone enumerate once again
exactly what problems we were trying to solve, so that we could then
discuss whether the new strategy actually solved them?


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