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Re: Why would I like to buy a MGC

Subject: Re: Why would I like to buy a MGC
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 09:26:17 -0700 (PDT)
Paul M. SEZ -
> Ah, what a sad day this is.  Woe is me when we have to
> spend days painstakingly justifying why we might like
> to buy an MGC... on an MG LIST FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

> Where does a guy have to go to get a little love for
> the MGC?!!

Like I said in my comment about handling, it's not that the MGC is
a bad car, it's just a little less than perfect.  For die-hard MG
fans, less than perfect is atypical of the marque.  :-)

David Breneman                     | "I don't care to belong to a club
Distributed Systems S/W Analyst    |  that accepts people like me
Airborne Express, Inc.             |  as members."        |                 - Groucho Marx

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