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Re: DeLorean Info.

To: "Andrew Proudfoot" <>,
Subject: Re: DeLorean Info.
From: "Andrew Proudfoot" <>
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 1999 22:11:14 -0230
After receiving my own note I read it differently than my thoughts when
writing the origional. No offense was meant by my statement mearly that
Parker may very well be trying to talk his Dad into a Delorean, any Dad that
gets his son an "A" for a first car is a special kinda guy and no reason why
Parker would joke about such a thing. In my eyes any LBC'r is special, Hey,
if my Dad had got me an A or even showed enough interest to care about my 67
when it was stored at his place then two things would be possible:
1. I'd still be driving that 67 &
2. I wouldn't be waiting for my 77 to be painted!!!

Seems I must be suffering from withdrawl (lbc that is) last time I posted
here I ended up apologising also!!!!!!
Off to the garage to see if I can't get those demisters & such
painted....................(a small fix)

Safety Faster
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Proudfoot <>
To: Susan and John Roper <>; Parker J Whiteway
Cc: <>
Date: Sunday, August 01, 1999 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: DeLorean Info.

>I thought the same but this is the 16 year old who's parents bought him an
>"A", if I remember correctly, so one never knows huh?
>Safety Faster
>Andy Proudfoot 77B
>Gander, Newfoundland
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Susan and John Roper <>
>To: Parker J Whiteway <>
>Cc: <>
>Date: Sunday, August 01, 1999 7:27 PM
>Subject: Re: DeLorean Info.
>>Parker, I hope you are pulling our leg.  John
>>Parker J Whiteway wrote:
>>> Hi Listers,
>>>         Sorry to bomb the list, but my dad decided he wants to finally
>>> get a new car, and I'm trying to convince him that a De Lorean would be
>>> just right.  I'm in Chicagoland, and just need some info on where it
>>> could be serviced, where parts could be obtained, and some other general
>>> reliability / what to look for type of things.  If any of you own a De
>>> Lorean or know where I could find these things out, please write me off
>>> the list.  Thanks!
>>> Parker Whiteway
>>> 57 MGA that somehow managed to make 2 quarts of oil disappear within 150
>>> miles : 0

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