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Re: Settings for Koni shocks on Elan

Subject: Re: Settings for Koni shocks on Elan
From: Tor Hval <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 21:00:02 +0200 (MET DST)
> I would recommend adjusting any adjustable shock to full soft and adjusting 
> up as the shock wears.  The reason for this is that shock absorbers 
> (dampers) are designed as "dampers", not springs.  Set the stiffness with 
> the spring choice, then make sure the dampers merely damp.
> I would suspect that the darting around on rough roads could be a bump steer 
> problem.  Elans are very sensitive to bump steer errors.  Do you know how to 
> adjust bump steer?
Well, I do not even know what bump steer is so please explain.(Perhaps my
father knows, he is "chief mechanic"(but he is not around,I do not live at
home anymore since I am studying)). But I still think that the dampers has
a bit  to do with the darting around, as my father reports that it
improved(but not enough) after he  changed the springs and slackend the

Tor Hval <>

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