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Re: Winter Storage / Fuel Drain

To: "Stephen Peca" <>
Subject: Re: Winter Storage / Fuel Drain
From: David Massey <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:42:08 -0500
Cc: "Robert J Carley" <>, "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Stephen Peca"

I'm probably OK with air pressure since I didn't touch do anything.  

By the way, I realize this is a debatable topic, but I do not plan to raise
the car (tires) off the ground for Winter storage.  The fellow I bought the
car from (in Duluth, MN where it is much colder in Winter than Chicago)
the car in an unheated garage without raising the car and had no
"flatspotting" on the tires.  Comments?

Steve Peca
Wheaton, Illinois
1958 TR3A - TS23867L

Modern tires are less prone to "flat spotting".  Mine didn't last year
after sitting for 8 months.

Dave Massey

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