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Re: RE; Metric vs. English

To: "Triumph list" <>
Subject: Re: RE; Metric vs. English
From: "scott s." <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:49:26 -1000 (HST)
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 07:29:00 -0500, Tony Rhodes wrote:

>Well, I am not at all sure the US will be left behind because
>we do not switch to metric.  Metric vs. English measurement
>as a meaningless distinction.  The only purpose it does serve
>is for standardization (not a bad goal).

In the days of slide rules metric made some sense, but in
the computer age that has gone away.

For screw threads, the English system commonly uses
UNF and UNC thread series.  I guess metric only uses
the M series, so there is less problem there.

scott s.

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