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Re: Fw: 18" rubber? Talk amongst yerselves ;-)

Subject: Re: Fw: 18" rubber? Talk amongst yerselves ;-)
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 17:13:26 -0500 wrote:
> Why not allow any size wheel diameter in Stock?

Because then everyone would have to buy lots of wheels and tires in
order to test all the possibilities?

Because then the guy off the street would be that much further from the
ideal setup?

Because it just doesn't make much sense?

> ... I think the same arguments used to allow any shock could also
> apply to wheel diameter.

Wheels are a wear item?

> Anybody that is serious about this sport buys another set of wheels
> anyway.

So they have a set of factory wheels they can use for race rubber, and
they can use their new wheels for the street.

I'd much rather remove the aftermarket wheel allowance altogether!


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