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RE: Another Question!

To: mitchell <>
Subject: RE: Another Question!
From: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 20:20:02 -0500 (EST)
> "What do you *think* about when on course?"

All of the above in varying degrees ... that is, the degree of any one of
Mike'st vary depending on the moment. 

I often talk to myself while driving, telling myself what is upcoming and
how to drive it as a way to focus, and sometimes throwing in a comment of
what I just screwed up as a way to remember it. 

they're not sentences, but disjointed words:

"Turn .. steady .. steady .. gas .. gas .. GO!! .. left .. IN .. clip .. 
missed it .. late, late, late, late, out! .. Brake, off! go!...."

so I was turning in, holding the radius of a long turn, squeezing on gas as I
came to the end of it, then flooring it, getting to the left side to set up 
the next turn, makeing the turn, going for the apex, missing the apex (telling
myself this so when I go back to reconstruct it it is sharper in my mind), 
doing a 5-cone slalom late-apexing the first 4 cones and accelerating past
the fifth, a quick brake stab and release and on the gas again....

I tend not to think about the car's performance unless it is not functioning
properly. That may be as simple as a note that it is oversteering (gotta put
some more air in the rear tires) or as nasty as it just blew up (expletives

Sometimes I may think how cool I look or how bad I am beating someone, but if
I do I am screwing up because I am then not concentrating on the task at hand
which usually means I am not looking all that cool and am in danger of
embarrassing myself (not uncommon anyway, but I don't need to do so on
purpose :-) and losing. 

Mostly, it is just ... the drive. Where I want to place the car next. And try
to keep my mind ahead of where the car actually is. 


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