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Re: points for classing was: goofy canadian rules

To: "Autox List" <>
Subject: Re: points for classing was: goofy canadian rules
From: "Cliff Loh" <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 13:55:50 -0700
Jeff Lloyd wrote:
> >
> > but imagine how frustrating it must for a driver that comes out
for his
> > first time with a +1 size wheel (no performance advantage)
> > and finds out he now has to run in SP against cars that are
nothing like
> > his, and REALLY fast to boot.

If a person w/ plus sized rims ( the only modification) comes to an
event, he may run in Stock category and apply that point.  The single
point allocated to the CACC Stock category was developed to address
that issue.

Cliff Loh, Vancouver, B.C. CANADA
"I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.", (alternate)

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