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Re: Cone colors

Subject: Re: Cone colors
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 12:07:06 EDT
In a message dated 6/23/00 11:49:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> CSCC in Columbus Indiana uses multi colored and multi sized cones. 
> it
>  doesn't bother me much but most people hate it. To top it off the CSCC 
> courses are
>  fast so most people could never take the time to analyse cone size or 
> during
>  a run anyway. I know thier attendence would go up with other autocrossers 
> out of
>  the region if they used regular cones, but they may not want that. They 
> to be
>  a pretty tight group. Sorry to digress.

Interesting...hadn't noticed that about those guys, but then it's been nearly 
2 years since running there.  Also hadn't noticed the use of different cones. 

>  The one place where different colored cones would make sense would be for 
> slalom
>  cones ... and perhaps pointer cones. However I think that all the cones 
> should be
>  the same size. Just my opinion.
>  John Whitling

One of the local clubs used yellow and orange cones to mark the insides and 
outsides of the course.  To be honest, I never even noticed until the end of 
the day.  My experience has been since the beginning if you know what to look 
for in a course, it will jump out at you with or without specially sized, 
marked, or colored cones.  I think it took about a season and a half for me 
to get that experience.  Still, marking the apexes in some way may help the 
novices.  Any more than one extra color would probably be more of a 
distraction than anything.  

Rick Hendricks

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