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Re: M100 Validation

To: "Chapman Era List" <>,
Subject: Re: M100 Validation
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 02:10:14 -0400

>>Whenever Steve runs out of wit,  he always take "age shots" too!  Very
      courageous! :->

Sorry, I promise not to let it happen again (dealing with the elderly can be so
difficult)  :-)

>>it's NOT about the M100 being a Lotus . . It's been a Lotus for about a

Great news.  Please explain that to Rod.  He thinks it's a Honda.

>>If anyone really  want to "sign on" to sly denigation of the Chapman group,
they can probably be one of Steve's "Shower Buddies"  all next week!!!!

A little clarity here, am I accused of denegation or denigration?  But as a
Seven owner and Chapman Era mail list subscriber, I deny both of them !
However, the shower buddies comment was a bit much.

Perhaps we can wind this one down.  Hopefully Steve will send in his comments,
and then you can have the last word.


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