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Re: Off-topic question no LBC

Subject: Re: Off-topic question no LBC
From: Greg <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 13:13:41 -0700 (PDT)
When I watch old TV reruns or movies from the 70's or 80's in which people are 
trying to find a pay phone to call from, I like to shout "why don't you just 
use your cell phone!".  My wife is never amused either...  ;-)   But it 
seriously reminds me of how spoiled we are to have instant communications.   Do 
you remember what it took 20 years ago to research a topic?   Now, thanks to 
google and the like, the world body of information is at our fingertips 
(unfortunately, the misinformation that comes with it is also).  
One thing that occurred to me last night was the was digital 
has changed our environment.  Do you remember when you went to bed at 
night and the room was dark?  
 Best Regards,
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