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Re: swaybar info(2)

Subject: Re: swaybar info(2)
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 18:39:02 EDT writes:

<< Ok, I will amend all future post to say "excluding AS so we don't mess up
 Mr. Sipe's happy little echo system". lol  >>

What am I, a dolphin or something?

It's not about A Stock or Mr. Sipe's personal salvation. 

It concerns me that the proposal for Stock class rule changes seems to ever 
be on the increase, usually by some Mr/Ms Johnny-Come-Lately.  Despite the 
continuous criticism of the SEB, my detailed conversations with the 
various committee members (you really should try it sometime) has 
demonstrated to me that they have a much greater appreciation for, and 
understanding of, the *entire* scope and impact of changes, much more so than 
Mr/Ms JCL can even begin to comprehend.  There's a reason that the SEB is 
composed of members of long standing experience, just as there's a reason 
they don't cotton to the "rule change of the week" syndrone.  The class rules 
are the foundation, and if the foundation isn't stable the whole thing can 
come crashing down.

Since you're making it personal, let's get back to me.  I could care less if 
swaybar rule changes one way or the other; I only want rules stability.  I 
will still do everything within the rules to setup and tune the car to it's 
max potential.  If you think changing the swaybar rule will somehow equalize 
the competition or provide you personally with a more level playing field 
then you're kidding yourself.  You still have to drive the car to it's 
potential and a certain group of people will still have the latest & greatest 
equipment, the most technical knowledge, the best training, the most seat 
time, etc.  

Frankly, it all just sounds to me like a bunch of losers sqawking out excuses 
as to why they can't win.  Hell, it'd be worth it to go back to pure stock, 
and I mean in every detail including replaceable wear parts, just to see who 
eats crow.

M Sipe
 - fixated on winning, not making excuses

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