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Re: Appearance kits: sp legal?

To: <>, "William Schenker" <>
Subject: Re: Appearance kits: sp legal?
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 13:10:42 -0400
> A question:  have had some damage to my front end (a '99 csp Miata) and
> the idea of using an alternate front end/appearance kit;  the idea is to
> one that comes with additional/larger intake holes to run some ducting to
> air intake:  is this legal in SP?

I know someone who runs a '92 Saturn SC2 (or were they just SCs then?) in
SP.  Among many mods, he's put the front piece from a '95-'96 SC2 on his
car.  Why?  Because the later models have holes molded into them for
foglights, which the older models lack.  He uses them as brake duct inlets
(granted, for autox they won't make that big a difference).  I haven't heard
of him having any problems or protests.  This is not to say that I think
this is definitely 100% legal - since Saturns are such common autocross cars
(that was sarcasm, and no offense meant, Loren) it's quite possible that his
local organizers don't know the difference.  I didn't know about it until I
did some research on the history of my '95 SC2.

    - Justin

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