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Re: Hobby in decline?

Subject: Re: Hobby in decline?
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 13:25:18 -0700 (PDT)
Chuck Renner SEZ -
> Indeed.  Didn't the last issue of the Moss magazine mention that even with a
> 'down' economy, people are actually spending more money on the LBCs?

The shop that's doing the work on my MGA is having its busiest
summer in five years.  The owner says that several people have
told him that the 9/11 events caused them to re-examine their
priorities and make driving their LBC a higher one.  That, and
the dot-com paper millionaires that need to sell their cars to
buy groceries.  The Wall Street Journal had an article last week
that said companies like Harley-Davidson, Winnebago and Bombardier
(jet skis and snowmobiles) are all having record years, too.

David Breneman                   | "Before there were CDs there were
Distributed Systems S/W Analyst  |  records, and before there were
Airborne Express, Inc.           |  records, there were 78s."      |                  --- Seen on eBay

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