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RE: [TR] Buying Long Distance: Tips?

To: <>, "Aldwyn" <>
Subject: RE: [TR] Buying Long Distance: Tips?
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 09:43:10 -0700
> I am not at liberty to pick up and travel to look over the car
> before I plop down 5K-10K on the thing, at the moment (again, unless it's
> close by).

In that case, Aldwyn, my suggestion would be to join the local Triumph or
British Car club.  Go to the meetings and events, and get to know people.  Let
them all know what you are looking for, what condition and price range.  It's
amazing what can turn up that way, if people like you and know you will take
good care of their 'baby'.

> Also... is there a FAQ for this list?  And if so, can someone FAQ me?

We had a proper FAQ many years ago, but the maintainer kind of lost interest in
it (and got busy with other aspects of his life).  Unfortunately, no one stepped
up to continue maintaining the FAQ; although many have their own versions on a
web site somewhere.  I've attached a copy of Malcolm's old FAQ, it might be
useful to you.  (It won't go through the list, so if anyone else wants a copy,
please let me know off-list.)

One of the better websites is maintained by volunteers for VTR (which is also a
good club to join).  Here's the VTR buyer's guide :


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-zip-compressed which 
had a name of Triumphs-List FAQ]

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